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Our Law Firm

Justice for All is an independent law firm formed with Myanmar Lawyers, researchers and legal trainers working for rule of law, Justice and fundamental human rights. Justice for All is founded on 10th December 2011 and it is based in Yangon and Bago cities in Myanmar.

Lawyers from Justice for All are giving legal representation at the courts and giving legal advises concerning various legal issues such as in the areas of criminal laws, civil laws, business laws, International human rights laws and constitutional laws as well as doing legal training and workshops across the country of Myanmar.
Justice for All is doing three main focus areas: legal aid to the poor, Awareness for rule of law, access to justice and research and advocacy across the Country, Myanmar.

Justice for All is cooperating with Myanmar legal aid network and other related partners INGO and NGO, Bar association, law society, academic and Governments for rule of law, access to Justice and legal aid.

Our Vision

Everybody is equal before the law and we, the people who want peace, justice, development and freedom shall maintain, promote and protect rule of law and fundamental human rights.

Promoting and protecting Rule of law and Human rights in accordance with Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the purpose of UN Charter is our main vision for the better society of the people of Myanmar.

We strongly believe that promotion and protection of rule of law and human rights is the cause for the Sustainable Development and Unity of the people of Myanmar in which all nationalities reside.

Our Mission

Justice for All is an independent law firm based on multi ethnic:

  1. By promoting and protecting Rule of law and human rights in Myanmar without distinction as to race, color, sex ,language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
  2. By assisting legal representation and legal service to people who are in need in accordance with national and international laws
  3. By giving awareness to people based on national and international laws, and to make research without bias and prejudices.

Background of Justice for All

Justice for All is an independent law firm working for rule of law and fundamental human rights in Myanmar and partnership with local lawyers and people who have potential experience in Rule of law, Justice ,human rights and development sectors.

Members of Justice for All have been working for the cause of justice, rule of law and fundamental human rights in the country for several years independently. Justice for All is founded on 10th December 2011 and it is a name for all legal partners to work for legal work and rule of law in the country.


  • To promote and protect rule of law in the country.
  • To promote and protect peace, justice, equality, fundamental freedom and human rights according to the domestic laws and international laws.
  • To give legal advices and legal representation to the people.
  • To make legal empowerment by mean of legal education to the people
  • To conduct legal research on rule of law and fundamental citizens’ rights without bias and prejudices.
  • To work with local and international partners for the cause of justice, rule of law and development of people.
  • To support legal reform in the country in accordance with international norms and standards as well as Myanmar culture.


JFA is composed of
Board of directors (5 in numbers)
JFA office
Partners (18 in numbers)